Session 1: June 17th - June 28th

Session 2: July 1st - June 12th

Session 3: July 15th - July 26th

Liability Release: In consideration of Early Learning Youth Sports (ELYS) acceptance of the player, the player, by and through his/her parent or legal guardian, hereby acknowledges and understands that the player will be involved in some intense training and competition and that injuries can and do sometimes occur during competition and other activities of the camp. The undersigned, on behalf of themselves and their child or ward, agree to hold harmless ELYS., its owners, staff, coaches and host institution where the camp is conducted from and against injuries incurred by the player. The player and his parents or legal guardian assume full responsibility for any damages or injuries which may occur to the player during the camp session. The signer hereby fully releases, waives, and discharges ELYS its owners, staff, coaches and host institution from, against all claims, injuries, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of the player participation in the camp session and in the use of the host institution’s facility. Also, the legal guardian of the player named in this disclaimer is releasing all right to ELYS to use any photos taken of the player at camp for promotions reasons. Promotional media include website, brochures, flyers and anything that would have to do with promoting ELYS. Photo and/or personal information will not be sold to an outside payer without the written consent from the legal guardian. ​
Refund Policy: Refunds only for cancelled classes by school/ELYS or child moving/changing schools.

Early Learning Youth Sports Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) / Concussion 2020‐2021 Statement and Acknowledgement Form
I, ____ (athlete), acknowledge that I have to be an  active participant in my own health and have the direct responsibility for  reporting all of my injuries and illnesses to the organization’s staff (e.g., coaches or athletic training staff). I further recognize that my physical condition is dependent upon providing an accurate medical history and a full disclosure of any symptoms, complaints, prior injuries and/or disabilities experienced before, during or after athletic activities.  By completing this form below, I acknowledge:  Child will not participation in the Early Learning Youth Sports until this signed form is on file with the Early Learning Youth Sports office. My organization has provided me with the CDC Concussion Fact Sheet on the definition of a concussion, the signs and symptoms of a concussion and what to do if I suspect I have a concussion.  Each Fact Sheet is specific to Parents and to Players.
I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE FACT SHEETS for Parents and for Players. For more education on concussions I can go to:
A free Online Training Course by the CDC can be found at:
A free 20 minute concussion education course can be taken at
FURTHERMORE: I have fully disclosed to the staff any prior medical conditions and will also disclose any future conditions. There is a possibility that participation in my sport may result in a head injury and/or concussion. In rare cases, these concussions can cause permanent brain damage, and even death. A concussion is a brain injury, which I am responsible for reporting to the team physician, athletic trainer, coach, parent volunteer, or official. A concussion can affect my ability to perform everyday activities, and affect my reaction time, balance, sleep, and classroom performance. Some of the symptoms of concussion may be noticed right away while other symptoms can show up hours or days after the injury. If I suspect a teammate has a concussion, I am responsible for reporting the injury to the staff. I will not return to play in a game or practice if I have received a blow to the head or body that results in concussion related symptoms. I will not return to play in a game or practice until my symptoms have resolved AND I have written clearance to do so by a qualified health care professional. An athletic trainer is not authorized to give clearance to return to play. Following a concussion the brain needs time to heal. I understand that I am much more likely to have a repeat concussion or further damage if I return to play before the symptoms have resolved. I represent and certify that I and my parent/guardian have read the entirety of this document and fully understand the contents, consequences and implications of signing this document and that I agree to be bound by this document.